AVPM Quotes

So my latest feat has been downloading the play A Very Potter Musical off of YouTube and putting subtitles over it (and cleaning up the language a tad), since the performance did not include microphones and it's difficult to hear lots of it over the music, the laughter, or other noises.
It was SUCH a feat taking this on. It literally took me four straight days of endless work. I didn't realize it would take that long. I expected maybe two days tops. But once I started, I was determined to finish.
Anyways, during down time, such as when the video was processing or when I just needed a break, I began making this… a collage of quotes from the show. Because honestly, it is a gold mine of some hilarious lines.

If you haven't seen or even heard of this show, it's a fan musical about Harry Potter. It mashes up most of the books into one (especially the Sorcerer's Stone, the Goblet of Fire, and the Deathly Hollows). It's kind of a spoof and pays homage to the books all at the same time. It is absolutely hysterical!
Anyone know Darren Criss from Glee? Before he got famous and was cast on Glee, he was on this as Harry Potter. This was actually where he was first noticed by everyone when the show went viral. (He also wrote all the music).

Anyways, my creation… I wrote down a bunch of quotes I remembered and laughed at (or that are iconic), and then began to organize and size them accordingly. It took a bit of doing so that they all fit, but I like how it turned out. I chose little pictures of some icons from the show to fill up empty spots (I also had to turn them all yellow, but that wasn't very hard). I kind of wish I had included a guitar, but oh well. Most of the quotes are from A Very Potter Musical, but a couple are from the sequel, A Very Potter Sequel. Maybe one day I'll put subtitles over that one… but not any time soon.

So here we are:


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