
I've finally caught up on Doctor Who! Huzzah! Years ago, when I first started watching the show was when I first started experimenting with making graphics. You can check some out by going to this link HERE. I mostly only focused on the New!Who Doctors (that is to say, the ones from the 2005 reboot series). Back then, there were only three Doctors at that point: Nine- Christopher Eccleston, Ten- David Tennant, and Eleven- Matt Smith. Fairly recently, Matt Smith retired and gave up the role to Peter Capaldi, making him the Twelfth Doctor.
I stopped watching around the time Capaldi took over the role, not because of him, but because I got really annoyed with the companion. I was sick of how she was acting and… well, you don't need to know. I just decided to wait until she was gone until I would start watching again.
Well, she finally left and I began to watch again. Binge watching through all the episodes with her in it until I finally got through it. And despite the annoyance I had for the companion, I totally fell in love with Twelve just much as his predecessors.
Anyways, after I finally caught up, I was looking through some of my old files and found my old graphics. I remembered that I had created a tribute to each of the New!Who Doctors back in the day. Upon this realization, I decided that Twelve most certainly deserved one of his own.
Here are the old graphics:
Each Doctor was assigned their own color according to their outfit/accessories. I decided on red for Twelve because of his coat.
So here's the new one:

Also, I added Twelve into a lineup I created a while back of closeups of each of their outfits:


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