Bean- Triangles

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You know I'm all consumed in a show/movie when I decide to use this template for it.

The chosen subject this time is the main couple from the web show Nothing Much to Do (based on William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing), Beatrice and Benedick. They have a few different couple-mushing names (you know like "Bragelina"= Brad+Angelina), but the one I prefer is Bean (Bea+Ben). So that's where the title came from if you were wondering.

This template is always a challenge and takes a lot of time. This particular time took about three hours. That included setting up the template, searching for pictures, placing and sizing the pictures, choosing quotes/words, color coordinating, cropping (which is difficult and a little time consuming since I don't have photoshop), and of course redoing a lot of it because I am picky ;)

So SETTING UP the template isn't too difficult. I just have to place all the shapes in their spots. They serve as place holders until I drop the actual pictures in their spots. So I just size and shape everything then go look for pictures (unless I already have them of course).

LOOKING FOR PICTURES is pretty easy as well. I know exactly where to find them usually if I don't already have them. In this case I planned on screenshotting some of the episodes off YouTube. The hardest part was finding the "perfect" frame that I was most satisfied with before taking a shot.

PLACING AND SIZING THE PICTURES is hard because how do you narrow down your favorites and which ones go where? Then it's kind of a pain with this particular template because of the triangles since they cut off diagonally and all the pictures are horizontal. So picture this, after much debating I decide I want a certain photo in this spot, but when I put it there, I realize half of someone's head gets cut off. So I have to search for another picture. It takes a lot of coordinating with colors, poses, scenes, etc. Like you don't want too much of the same thing in one place, right? (Unless you're doing it on purpose).

CHOOSING QUOTE/WORDS is basically the same issue as choosing pictures. I'll compile a list of a whole bunch, but then the problem arises… which ones do I use? I can't use all of them. So comes the question: Which are my favorite? Which are most relevant? Which embodies the subject the best? For example, this graphic: The couple's argument about mango skins frequently comes up, so since it's reoccurring I thought it was relevant, also it was something that kind of embodies what they're all about because mangos are one of the first thing to pop into my head when I think of them (plus it's one of my favorite things about them XP)

COLOR COORDINATING isn't too hard. I usually pick the color(s) based on the dominating color(s) in the pictures. In this case it was teal and pink.

CROPPING There's no particular moment that I do this and a lot of the time I don't do it at all because it is the biggest pain of all! Here I did it twice on the two small photos behind the quote "Team Blessed". There isn't a shape that looks like that (just normal squares/rectangles, triangles, circles, stars, even arrows), so I had to take each picture (rectangle), then place a white triangle on either side, cutting off the edges. After that, I took a picture, then took that new picture and "instant alpha"ed away all the white. Not too bad in this case, but sometimes it gets more complicated.

REDOING because once I look at it, I'll decide something might look better if I did it this way, or if it was a slightly lighter pink, or had a different picture here, or if there was a shadow behind this bit, or if the text was slightly bigger, or if I had this quote instead of this quote, and so on.

Read more about Nothing Much to Do at this link HERE


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