You're probably looking at this one like "…wut?", but there's a story behind it.

First a little background… A couple years back, one spring, my family (and a couple others) went on a cruise to the Caribbean. The teenage girls (me, Afton, Shaelyn, and Taylor) all shared a room. I had bought all the seasons of Friends on iTunes (that's right!) which I watched at college, so I had all the episodes on my computer. I would watch them at night before bed while the others… did whatever. Anyways, one night the other three decided they wanted to watch with me. So I set up the computer on the dresser, turned up the volume, we ordered room service, and we sat in our pajamas to watch. This became our thing. Every night we did the same thing: pajamas, room service, and Friends.
Anyways, the story behind this graphic is that the very first episode we watched was "2x15- The One Where Ross and Rachel… You Know". There's a scene where Ross takes Rachel on a date to the museum when it's empty, late at night and sets up a picnic in the planetarium. A nice thought, beautiful scenery. But just as he's sitting down next to her... "BILLIONS OF YEARS AGO!!!", the narration begins on the show, ruining the moment… and it's hilarious! We all cracked up and had to rewatch several times. It's now a big joke with us. (You can watch the moment HERE. It's just like the first 30 seconds XD)

So I had to make this in memory. Definitely not my best work, but the story's worth it :)


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