Scripture Cartoons
I've taken to drawing scripture stories in my own cartoon style. I like drawing/doodling during church since it helps me focus on what I'm listening to (otherwise I start daydreaming and won't hear anything). I started drawing just scripture characters about a year ago, but I ran out of ideas (I filled up like two drawing pads full of these characters). Now, I've moved on to entire scripture stories. They're not all super elaborate and detailed (some are), but I've had fun with them.
I do take requests, so if anyone wants me to draw a certain scene, don't be shy. I have a lot of free time since I'm not in school right now. I've already drawn most of my personal favorite stories.
Disclaimer: Some of them are not 100% accurate. Meaning, I was unable to fit every single character in, I couldn't draw all the props, there is an incorrect number of something, etc. Overall though, they are at least recognizable.
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I do take requests, so if anyone wants me to draw a certain scene, don't be shy. I have a lot of free time since I'm not in school right now. I've already drawn most of my personal favorite stories.
Disclaimer: Some of them are not 100% accurate. Meaning, I was unable to fit every single character in, I couldn't draw all the props, there is an incorrect number of something, etc. Overall though, they are at least recognizable.
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The Conversion of Alma the Younger (Mosiah 27:11-18)
This is one of my all-time favorite stories, so of course it was the first one I drew.
The First Vision (JSH 1:16-20)
I think Joseph Smith looks like a donkey. I need to figure out what my deal is with drawing him because the next time I draw him he still looks wonky.
The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-35)
The Brother of Jared Sees the Finger of the Lord (Ether 3:6)
The Rameumptom (Alma 31:12-25)
Christ's Baptism (Matt 3:13-17)
Temptations of Christ (Matt 4:1-11)
Alma the Younger vs. Korihor (Alma 30:6-60)
This story is extremely intriguing to me and so relatable, but I wasn't sure how to portray it. So, I drew it like a video game; like Street Fighter, or Mortal Combat, or something. Is that sacrilegious? I don't know, but I thought I was hilarious.
Alma at the Waters of Mormon (Mosiah 18:4-16)
This was a request from my mom. We had just got back from a cruise in the Caribbean where we had visited part of Mexico. She talked about how in Mosiah, the Waters of Mormon are described so beautifully and she thought about the jungles and blue waters we saw. So she wanted me to draw my interpretation of the Waters of Mormon.
Saul on the Road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-8)
The Tree of Life (1 Nephi 8:2-35)
My mom was teaching this lesson in seminary so while she was preparing the lesson, I drew the picture (no, she didn't use this in her lesson).
Moroni Buries the Plates (Moroni 10 & JSH 1:51)
Joseph Smith Unburies the Plates (JSH 1:51-54)
I want to mention here that I always try to keep my characters consistent in their looks. Here, I tried to make Moroni look the same as the last one where he's burying the plates, just younger and more "angelic."
Abinadi Preaches to King Noah's Court (Mosiah 11-17)
Joseph's Dreams (Genesis 37:5-10)
Joseph's story is another one of my favorites. I just had to draw (at least part of) it.
Queen Esther Goes in Unto the King (Esther 5:1-5)
Another one of my favorite stories. I highly recommend reading this whether you're religious or not because it's so entertaining, full of twists, suspense, and so much irony.
Nephi is Bound By His Brothers (1 Nephi 18:9-16)
My grandma requested this one. She said she was very impressed by how many times Nephi could forgive his rebellious brothers no matter how many times they beat him, made fun of him, and tied him up.
The Title of Liberty (Alma 46)
Of course I had to draw this. My favorite scripture character is Captain Moroni (I think everybody knows that. I wrote an entire book about him after all). The Title of Liberty is such an epic, empowering part of the Book of Mormon.
The Wise and the Foolish Builders (Matt 7:24-27)
Elijah and the Priests of Baal (1 Kings 18:22-39)
I have a list of potential stories I could draw and this was one of them. Brady requested it because he had never heard of it. He is deprived! This story is hilarious! Elijah is so sassy. Everyone go read this story!
Nephi is Compelled to Slay Laban (1 Nephi 4:5-18)
Ammon Defends the King's Flocks (Alma 17:26-39)
Kayla Dickson requested this while I was sitting next to her in Relief Society.
Pre-mortal Plans (Abraham 3:22-28)
I was not sure how to draw pre-mortal Lucifer. I've always envisioned him as a very good-looking man, but I didn't really want to draw that for a cartoon. Instead, I took some features from my previous drawing of Satan ("Temptations of Christ") and developed them into a more human version. He's still got the pointy chin, large nose, and devilish smile, but instead of a tattered black cloak and a hood, he's got stringy black hair that hangs over his eyes.
Joseph Flees from Potiphar's Wife (Genesis 39:7-20)
This was my dad's request. He said he just wanted to see what my version of Potiphar's wife would look like.
Eve Eats the Forbidden Fruit (Genesis 3:1-6 & Moses 4:5-12)
Love these! Great job Kelsi!